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Il muro alla galleria // Wall at the gallery

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Opere // Works

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Spray su alluminio / Spray on aluminium
80x80 cm

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Spray su alluminio / Spray on aluminium
80x80 cm • Non disponibile / Not available

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Spray su alluminio / Spray on aluminium

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Spray su tela / Spray on canvas
19x38 cm

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Spray su alluminio / Spray on aluminium
50x50 cm

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Spray su tela / Spray on canvas
70x70 cm

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Spray su tela / Spray on canvas
19x38 cm • €220

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Spray su pannello / Spray on wood
50x50 cm • €360

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Serigrafia / Silkscreen
40x40 cm

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Sunset trittico
Spray su tela / Spray on canvas
3 tele / 3 canvas • 80x80 cm

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Il catalogo // The catalogue

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Eugenio MENT Filippi, classe 1981 laureato in Scienze dell’Architettura con una tesi sul riuso degli edifici abbandonati. Influenzato da tutto ciò che riguarda il design e la street-art, grazie alla sua ecletticità e la sua voglia di scoprire, affianca alla professione svariate esperienze in molteplici ambiti, partecipando ad iniziative artistiche, mostre collettive ed a concorsi nazionali ed internazionali. Attualmente, oltre a collaborare con diversi studi di architettura, lavora a stretto contatto con artisti nella creazione di progetti artistici ed oggetti di design. Parallelamente sta sviluppando una serie di quadri realizzati a stencil e vernice a spray e di serigrafie che hanno come filo conduttore la tridimensionalità.

MENT Filippi was born in 1981, he graduated in Architecture on reuse of abandoned buildings. Influenced by design and street art, thanks to its eclecticism and its desire to discover, alongside the profession several experiences in many fields, participating in artistic initiatives, collective exhibitions and national and international competitions. Currently, as well as collaborating with several architectural firms, he works closely with artists in artistic projects and design objects. At the same time he is developing a series of paintings made with stencils and spray paint and silkscreens that have as their main theme the three-dimensionality.

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• CRACAUS. Galleria urbana d'arte •
Via Nicolò Giolfino 14, 37133 Verona • Italia
email: info@cracaus.com

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